Let’s Encrypt
Let’s Encrypt is a free open-source SSL Certificate. Let’s Encrypt provides X.509 certificates for Transport Layer Security (TLS) encryption at no charge. The certificate must be renewed every 90 days. Some web hosts offer a script that will automatically renew and upload the Let’s Encrypt certificate on your server.
Let’s Encrypt is sponsored by Facebook, Chrome, Cisco, OVH and many other technology companies. The certs given out by Let’s Encrypt are great for personal use. Blogs, Family Tree Websites and many other websites will benefit from this zero cost SSL.
Even though Let’s Encrypt is widely accepted, it should not be used on a business or corporate website for many reasons.
If you are using Let’s Encrypt for SEO purposes it will give you a large boost for a blog, a hometown or hobby website. For a business, Let’s Encrypt will not help you. For one there is no true verification of ownership of domain. You just need access to DNS. Google looks at a website as a whole. Does the website have good markup. Does the website have authority links. Does the website have a legal disclaimer. Does the website have a valid SSL certificate. No large corporation will use Let’s Encrypt as their SSL Certificate.
Don’t believe me, go check for yourself. Even the companies sponsoring Let’s Encrypt, won’t actually use Let’s Encrypt on their business websites.
Do not use Let’s Encrypt on your page and expect to rank higher than your competitors who use official SSL Certificates.



If you need an SSL for SEO purposes for your business, please check out our $99 per year package.