Paint 3D Uninstall
How to uninstall Paint 3D on Windows 10
Paint 3D is a Microsoft Default picture viewer and editor on Microsoft Windows 10. Unfortunately, it is very slow. Most users will want to view pictures in the traditional and super fast Microsoft Program Called ‘Picture’ or MS Picture Viewer. The best way to remove this app is to use PowerShell.
To remove Paint 3D from Windows 10, you must do the following steps:
- Open Start.
- Type PowerShell, right-click the result, and select Run as administrator.
- Type the following command to force Windows to uninstall Paint 3D from your computer and press Enter:
Get-AppxPackage Microsoft.MSPaint | Remove-AppxPackage
After executing the PowrShell command Paint 3D will be removed from Windows 10.
**If you receive an error, please double check the command, or you’re running PowerShell as a standard user. You will need to right click PowerShell and click “Run as admin.”