At Meta Tech we recommend TLW Desktop Users perform the following functions on a monthly basis. This will fix slow TrustedLink (slow TLW).
How to reduce the
size of the database.
Delete any unnecessary documents and empty the
trash bin.
Delete text documents from the TLW Operations
Support folder
Clear/Delete Log Files, Events and Session
Documents (VIEW from main TLW Window)
Rebuild Tables
Repair and compact the database files (ODBC data
source administrator tool)
** Backup TLW\Work, Document, Table, Maps, Mapdata and
Scripts. Users should maintain a good backup of your TLW computer.
How to archive TLW
Select the TLW Operations Sent box (or the
folder you wish to archive from), then click on the
interchanges tab on the bottom right corner of
the screen.
Select the interchange(s) that you would like to
archive, then right click and select Archive.
An archive box will appear.
Select location for the archive, then specify a
filename.(Ex.Myarchive.mdb or Jun01.mdb).
Click OK.
Note: Do
not archive at the document level, rather than at the interchange level- if the
archive is done by document, the interchange information linking the document
to a trading partner will be lost.
How to delete Text
1. Open TLW Operations
2. Go to TEXT Documents
3. Click Edit, Select All
4. Return to highlighted documents (blue), right click then
2. Select Tools/Rebuild Tables. A warning message appears if
you have other TLW windows open. Close TLW Operations before rebuilding the
3. Click Select All
4. Click Rebuild
How to repair a
database in 6.x for Windows 7 64bit and Windows 10 64bit?
Note: Be
sure to perform this process on both the stxfw32 and modmgr32 files.
1. Make sure that the TLW is closed completely
2. Navigate to C:\Windows\SysWOW64
3. Run “odbcad32.exe”
4. Click “System DSN” tab and select the
appropriate source (stxfw32 or modmgr32)
5. Highlight the file, click Configure
6. Verify correct path to *.mdb file and then click Repair.
Click OK (this might take a while depending on database size).
7. Click OK, select the Compact option
8. Click OK, verify the path is directed to the correct
*.mdb file and then select Version 4.x, click OK to begin the compact process
9. Click Yes to replace. Wait until a success message is
shown on the screen.
10. Click OK to close
How to repair a
database in 6.x?
Note: Be
sure to perform this process on both the stxfw32 and modmgr32 files.
1. Because TLW 6.x uses the Windows Installshield wizard,
the OBDC repair must be done from the Windows Control Panel
2. Open the Control Panel in Windows, Start->
Administrative Tools -> ODBC Data Sources.
3. Click “System DSN” tab and select the data
source (stxfw32 or modmgr32)
4. Highlight the file and click Configure
5. Verify correct path to *.mdb file and then click Repair.
Click OK (this might take a while depending on database size).
6. Click OK on the success message and then select the
Compact option
7. Click OK, verify the path is directed to the correct
*.mdb file and then select Version 4.x, click OK to begin the compact process
8. Click Yes to replace. Wait until a success message is
shown on the screen.
9. Click OK again to close
*** Repeat
this procedure for any other data sources, such as STXFW32 or MODMGR32.
Note: If you receive the following error during the compact
process, “Cannot perform this operation; features in this version are not
available in databases with older formats” change from the default Version
3.x to Version 4.x on the “Database to Compact Into” screen and click
OK. And then follow the directions above.
If you need assistance maintaining your database or with
TrustedLink for Windows, contact Meta Tech today.