Coronavirus – COVID-19
Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is an infectious disease caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). The disease (COVID-19) was first identified in 2019 in Wuhan, China, and has spread globally, resulting in the 2019–20 coronavirus pandemic.
We are asking all employees to wash hands multiple times a day. Please use hand sanitizer anytime you get up and return from your desk.
Practice Social Distancing
Inside of Work
- Try to maintain 6 foot distance from all others.
- Cover coughs and sneezes with elbow.
- Avoid touching shared surfaces.
- No handshakes.
Outside of Work
- Avoid crowded settings for the time being.
- Use gloves or bring your own hand sanitizer.
- Areas such as shopping malls, restaurants, grocery stores are areas of high risk and exposure.
- Consider the amount of human traffic you may encounter during your plans and work to minimize it.
Attached is a paper time card. I need all group leaders and AM’s to maintain time clocked in and out for all of your assigned staff and submit this form electronically daily to payroll. This is CRITICAL that it is done every day and is accurate. If the group leader is not present this MUST be completed by the team leader or AM and submitted to HR. Failure to receive one of these sheets will create pay issues. Please confirm time with associates verbally before submitting.
Time clocks are being closed for the moment in order to remove shared contact surfaces. We are currently bringing in bar code badge scanners that will function as no touch systems, but they are slightly delayed due to Paycor working from home.
Please treat this issue with a high level of attention and accuracy.
This applies to ALL STAFF, since all time clocks are shut down.
Thank you
Positive employee goes into home quarantine per government regulations and cannot attend work until cleared by medical professional.
Employees who have “direct contact” with positive employee are required to be off work until they are seen by a doctor and tested for COVID-19 (testing permitted for those with direct contact). MetaTech to pay for doctor visit and test, or reimburse employee. Once cleared employees may return.
Direct contact – Medical definition: Frequent or prolonged contact within 6 feet.
Immediate work area of positive employee shut down until sanitized by vendor. (this follows actions taken by other large companies) (Purchasing is securing vendor to complete this cleaning)
Specific press, specific weld area, specific order assembly area etc.
Bathrooms, cafeteria, entry ways used by employee to be locked down until sanitized by vendor.
Work area of “direct contact” employees will be sanitized by MetaTech Janitorial staff while they are off work.
Communicate to all employees location of positive case but not name of employee.
Allow employees who are not comfortable returning to call off work without penalty.
Employee is not permitted to work.
Employee must present to doctors office, and be medically cleared to return to work. This means even if fever is reduced by medicine, doctor note is still mandatory to return to work.
Medical clearance note must be presented to HR Nurse.
Time off is un-pointed, and uncompensated.
Co-pay for doctor visit reimbursable by METATECH with expense receipt.
- Still awaiting response from METATECH Lawyer, but EEOC law is clear.
- MetaTech Managers/AM’s/GL’s take temperatures. Limit time clock areas to 1 per building and funnel everyone to one location 2-3 Management members per location. Remove additional time clocks.
- If not enough volunteers or managers willing to take temperature, may need to contract out to medical professionals if possible. Will be high expense.
- Employee over 100.4 immediately sent home, logged with HR, cannot return until cleared by doctor. HR make phone contact with employee.